My Acrylic Nail Broke Off With My Real Nail. It can be very painful to tear or rip your nail from the nail bed. A nail may separate from the nail bed detach for many reasons including.

A nail may separate from the nail bed detach for many reasons including. Scrape the softened acrylics off your nail using an orange-wood stick or cuticle pusher every 5 minutes until no more acrylics on your nail. First youre going to have to clip your nails to get rid of the fake nail tips.
Trim what you can around it and file as close to the actual nail as possible especially the edges this will prevent it catching on anything and pulling it further.
When your acrylic separates from your natural nail it can create a gap that can trap water germs and a host of other nasties. Scared to take the nail off cus it hurts. You could use an electric nail file. I have a band-aid on it holding it down but underneath my nail is full of blood.