Brown Spot Under Acrylic Nail. Vinegar This natural nail fungus remedy works effectively. Nail fungus on the other hand starts out with a white or yellow spot on the nails.

There are times however when conditions are perfect and happy bacteria make a home either on top of the nail bed and under the natural nail or on top of the natural nail and under an enhancement. Using mouthwash Soak the affected nails into the bacteria. Cancer under the nail is relatively rare - about 14 of the melanomas are of this type.
Skin conditions such as psoriasis can also cause brown patches to form and occasionally fungal infections in the bed of the nail can cause this although most fungal infections affect the nail bed itself.
Some tips can help to maintain healthy fingernails avoid infections as well as improve the appearance of the nail. You may need treatment to clear an infection. What you likely have is a pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial infection however since I am not a medical doctor I am not technically able to diagnose that and your have to go get it cultured. It is more common with nails that are left on for 3 months or longer.