Acrylic Nail Apex. Great for the money. In general the apex will sit in the back 13 of the nail enhancement however the longer.
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this video I am thinking of doing a similar video but sculpting the nails and building an apex would you be interested in thatPl. Apply a form and using builder gel apply a thin layer to the nail. Manicure with nail polish 25.
The uncured gel will help the next.
Reply to j_line96 acrylicnails nailtricks nailtips nailtutorial acrylicapplication beginnernailtech HolidayTreats WrappingGifts NBAIsBack. Acrylic nail application is a tried-and-true method that clients and nail techs love for its strength and long-lasting durability. Find Nail Art Today. Acrylic nail apex placement.